Student Life

Student Leadership

Leadership Opportunities

St. Catherine of Siena said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
At Overbrook Catholic School, we aim to help students find who they were meant to be as they grow through study, prayer, community, and service. 

List of 3 items.

  • Altar Servers

    Working as an altar server is a volunteer opportunity for the sixth grade. Students rotate weeks of service, which consists of assisting during Mass and setting up before and cleaning up after weekly Mass. Volunteers, who are trained by older students and the OCS sacristan (a Dominican sister) will learn how to serve and participate more fully in the Mass.
  • Morning Ambassadors

    The OCS Morning Ambassadors is a group comprised of mostly sixth-graders who volunteer to open doors and help other students out of their cars during morning drop-off. A parent also volunteers each morning as an ambassador.

    Rain, cold and wind do not keep these students away as they greet their schoolmates every morning of the week with a smile and a helping hand. Ambassadors choose to work one or two days a week from 7:15 a.m. until the first bell. Parents participate in this group, helping to direct traffic in the morning drop-off line.
  • Student Leadership Council

    The OCS Student Leadership Council is open to fifth- and sixth-grade students, elected from an anonymous essay contest regarding leadership. With service to school and the community as its focus, Student Leadership Council members serve as role models to all of the students and as Overbrook Catholic School ambassadors to the community. Students meet monthly and serve on various committees, including communications, decorators, events, Mass greeters, and service.
4210 Harding Pike Nashville, Tennessee 37205
Phone: (615) 292–5134 Fax: (615) 783–0560